All Cluster V chapters are to conduct a Voter Mobilization Impact Day prior to the Georgia Primary Election occurring on March 12th. All chapter Get Out the Vote (GOTV) events should occur between Saturday, March 2nd and Saturday, March 10th.
Be sure to take pictures during your GOTV activity and to create a video that reinforces voter mobilization. All chapters are to share their GOTV content on their social media platforms on Sunday, March 10th between 5 pm – 7 pm. Be sure to tag the region at @AKA.SAregion on Facebook and @AKA_SAregion on Instagram and Twitter, and use #SignificantSisterhood, #AKA1908, #AKAsSOAR, #TUNEInSAR, #SoaringWithAKA, and #GAConnection on all three platforms.
Please contact Soror Angela Mosley for details.